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Writer's picturethenorthernspike

Pulling Nails

Updated: Nov 20, 2024

After a week in Alabama I fly back to Cleveland, slept for a night in my own bed then jumped a plain to Wyoming to do some serious boarding. No snow in Ohio. I've lost nails before from hiking in Alaska & Nepal, so it is not that new to me, just wish it was permanently gone when nail is pulled. I'd also like to have both pinky toes amputated. I'm sure if I dug deep enough that I could manage to find someone to do it, but if I had that much money I'd just get another tattoo. Hoping this toenail will take it's time because I'll be in Europe in June to hike Triglav, a mountain in the smallest European country, Slovenia.

Thought for sure I'd lose the smaller one, but he's hanging in there for some reason. It had turned completely black. After soaking my feet in Epsom salts I figured I'd speed up the process and pull the big one off myself with a pair of old rusty pliers. I have an odd sense of humor, so I'm told. I'm a riddle which can never be solved. I keep it that way. I keep it real - for real. Some can't take it, but I really don't care. Lot of folk try to tell me how to do this, how to do that, how to act or whatever. I simply do what I want. That's how I live my life and if I say something someone doesn't like I give kudos for at least having an opinion, but I see rules as suggestions and suggestions as rules. To some this video will seem gross, but it's after all, your decision and no one iis forcing. I just wanted to show what it is like doing extreme sports and/or mountain climbing.

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